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Domestic Violence Menacing

Menacing means that you are accused of doing something where by physical action you put someone in fear of serious physical injury. For example, if you have a realistic toy gun and you point it at someone putting them in fear of physical injury you have committed the crime of menacing.

If you point that toy gun at your girlfriend, with the intent of putting her in fear of physical injury, you have committed the crime menacing and it's domestic violence menacing since you are in a domestic relationship with her in accordance with Alabama law.

Charges of menacing do not need to involve a gun. They can be committed with any action that put someone in fear of serious physical injury. So if pulled a pen plunger in my hand until my girlfriend it's a bomb with the intent of putting her in fear of physical injury, I have committed domestic violence menacing.

The crime of menacing is a serious misdemeanor. Punishment is as much as six months in jail. See section 13A – 6 – 23, Code of Alabama.

If you or someone you love is charged with this crime you should speak with an attorney as quickly as possible. If you'd like our help, our contact information is here:

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dorzio peterson