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Robbery in the First Degree

Posted by Andrew Segal | Aug 09, 2024 | 0 Comments

   A person commits the crime of robbery in the first degree if he commits the crime of Robbery in the Third Degree (Section 13A-8-43 ) and he: (1) Is armed with a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument;  or (2) Causes serious physical injury to another. (b) Possession then and...

Why I Became a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Posted by Andrew Segal | Jun 05, 2023 | 0 Comments

I've always hated bullies. As a child, my grandfather told me, “When you get hit, even when you're hurt, hit back. Hard. Don't give up. Don't surrender. Keep fighting. I started my career as a prosecutor in the Atty. Gen.'s office than in the District Attorney's Office. As a prosecutor, I foug...

What happens in Alabama if my ticket is not signed?

Posted by Andrew Segal | Mar 25, 2019 | 0 Comments

In Alabama, the police officer is supposed to take your ticket, within 48 hours, to a magistrate so as to acknowledge under oath to the facts contained in the ticket. The idea behind this is to allow a neutral and detached party an opportunity to make sure there were legally reasonable grounds fo...

In Alabama, Is it legal for police to lie to me?

Posted by Andrew Segal | Feb 07, 2019 | 0 Comments

Is it legal for police to lie to me? In Alabama, under many circumstances, it is completely legal for the police to lie to you. The general rule in Alabama is that an officer acting in good faith can use deception trickery or artifice to detect crime. The police will commonly use lies and dece...

How will an arrest affect a college student?

Posted by Andrew Segal | Sep 25, 2018 | 0 Comments

If you're a college student and you been arrested for a crime, you are probably concerned about how your school will react to the arrest.   The answer depends upon a variety of factors.  One issue is whether or not you are arrested on campus or off campus.  It was an on-campus arrest, It is mo...

The secret to asking questions like a lawyer.

Posted by Andrew Segal | Sep 25, 2018 | 0 Comments

A good lawyer can question someone until they're beaten like an egg. The secret is that we are really not asking questions at all. What we are doing, is telling our story but using a person who may not agree with us to do so. We do this by making a series of statements that the person needs to...

How to think like a lawyer in three easy steps

Posted by Andrew Segal | May 07, 2018 | 0 Comments

 Law schools spend three years teaching law students how to think like a lawyer. Heres how to do it in three steps: I First, understand what a true fact is and know how to dispute its meaning.  To a lawyer, a fact is something that is not in dispute. When something is accepted as a fact, l...

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